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2nd Grade English Language Arts Checklist

L.2.2 - I can show that I know how to write sentences correctly.

RL.2.10 - I can read and understand second grade stories and poems by myself.

RL.2.3 - I can describe how characters in a story react to important events in the story.

W.2.3 - I can write to tell an organized story with details about events, thoughts and feelings.

RF.2.3 - I can show what I have learned about letters and sounds by figuring out words.

RF.2.4.A - I can read and understand second grade books.

RF.2.4.C - I can stop when I am reading and fix words that I mess up or don't sound right.

RL.2.1 - I can ask and answer who, what, where, when, why and how questions to show that I understand stories.

RL.2.2 - I can remember and tell different kinds of stories and share what the author is trying to teach.

RL.2.4 - I can tell how words in stories, poems or songs can give them rhythm and help people understand them better.

RL.2.5 - I can describe how a story is written including the important parts of a beginning and an ending.

RL.2.6 - I can show that I know the characters in a story by telling about them or by using different character voices when I read aloud.

RL.2.7 - I can use what I learn from pictures and words to show that I understand the characters, setting and events of a story.

RL.2.9 - I can tell how two or more tellings of a story can be the same and different.

RL.2.10 - I can read and understand second grade stories and poems by myself

RI.2.1 - I can ask and answer who, what, where, when, why and how questions to show that I understand nonfiction.

RI.2.2 - I can tell the main idea of a piece of nonfiction, including the focus of important paragraphs.

RI.2.3 - I can make connections between different events in history.

RI.2.3 - I can make connections between different science ideas.

RI.2.3 - I can make connections between the different steps in a set of directions.

RI.2.4 - I can figure out the meanings of words when I am studying a second grade topic.

RI.2.5 - I can understand and use all the helpful parts of nonfiction books to find important facts and details quickly.

RI.2.6 - I can tell the author's main purpose in nonfiction writing.

RI.2.7 - I can use diagrams and pictures to help me understand nonfiction.

RI.2.8 - I can describe how reasons support the points that an author is trying to make.

RI.2.9 - I can tell how the important points in two pieces of nonfiction about the same topic are the same and different.

RI.2.10 - I can read and understand second grade nonfiction by myself.

W.2.2 - I can write to teach about a topic by giving facts and definitions about the topic.

W.2.5 - I can listen to others' ideas to revise and edit my writing and make it better.

W.2.7 - I can help my class explore books and write about what we learn.

W.2.7 - I can work with friends to make and record notes about science experiments.

W.2.8 - I can use what I have learned to answer questions or I can find out the answers somewhere else.

SL.2.2 - I can talk about the important ideas and details after I listen to someone read or speak.

SL.2.3 - I can ask and answer questions about what a speaker says to help me understand the information better.

SL.2.4 - I can tell or share a story with important details to help others understand.

SL.2.5 - I can use drawings or other things like that to help people understand me better.

SL.2.6 - I can speak and share my ideas in complete sentences when someone asks me a question.

L.2.1.A - I can use collective nouns (a group of people, a pride of lions).

L.2.1.B - I can make and use irregular plural nouns correctly (feet, children, teeth, mice, fish).

L.2.1.C - I can use reflexive pronouns (himself, myself, ourselves).

L.2.1.D - I can make and use common irregular verbs (sat, hid, told).

L.2.1.E - I can use adjectives and adverbs correctly.

L.2.1.F - I can make and use complete simple and compound sentences.

L.2.2.A - I can use capital letters at the beginnings of holidays, product names and places on a map.

L.2.2.B - I can use commas in greetings and closings of letters.

L.2.2.C - I can use apostrophes to make contractions.

L.2.2.C - I can use apostrophes to show possession.

L.2.2.D - I can use spelling patterns I have learned to write words.

L.2.2.E - I can use tools like a dictionary to check and correct my spelling.

L.2.3 - I can write, speak, read and listen by using what I know about the English language.

L.2.3.A - I can compare formal and informal ways that people speak English.

L.2.4 - I can figure out what words mean by using the strategies I know and by thinking about what I have read.

L.2.4.A - I can use context clues to help me understand new words.

L.2.4.B - I can use prefixes that I know to help me understand new words.

L.2.4.C - I can use root words to help me understand new words.

L.2.4.D - I can use the meanings of the two smaller words in a compound word to make a prediction about what it means.

L.2.4.E - I can use glossaries, dictionaries or the internet to help me find the meanings of new words.

L.2.5 - I can figure out how words are related and how their meanings might be alike.

L.2.5.A - I can find real-life connections between words and the way they are used (foods that are spicy or juicy).

L.2.5.B - I can tell the difference between similar verbs (toss, throw, hurl).

L.2.5.B - I can tell the difference between similar adjectives (thin, slender, skinny, scrawny).

2nd Grade Math Checklist

2.OA.A.1 - I can use strategies to solve addition word problems (within 100).

2.OA.A.1 - I can use strategies to solve subtraction word problems (within 100).

2.OA.B.2 - I can remember my subtraction facts.

2.OA.C.3 - I can group objects to tell if a number is odd or even.

2.OA.C.3 - I can write a number sentence to show how adding two of the same number will equal an even number.

2.OA.C.4 - I can use addition to help me figure out how many objects are in an array.

2.OA.C.4 - I can write a number sentence to show the total number of objects are in an array.

2.NBT.A.1 - I can understand and use hundreds, tens and ones.

2.NBT.A.1.A - I can show that I understand that a bundle of ten "tens" is called a "hundred."

2.NBT.A.1.B - I can show that I understand the numbers I use when I count by hundreds, have a certain number of hundreds, 0 tens and 0 ones.

2.NBT.A.2 - I can count to 1,000 by 1s, 5s, 10s and 100s.

2.NBT.A.3 - I can read and write numbers to 1,000 in different ways.

2.NBT.A.4 - I can compare three-digit numbers using <, =, and > because I understand hundreds, tens and ones.

2.NBT.B.5 - I can add two-digit numbers.

2.NBT.B.5 - I can subtract two-digit numbers.

2.NBT.B.6 - I can add up to four 2-digit numbers.

2.NBT.B.7 - I can use strategies to add numbers within 1000 and know when to regroup.

2.NBT.B.7 - I can use strategies to subtract numbers within 1000 and know when to borrow.

2.NBT.B.8 - I can add and subtract 10 or 100 to any number from 100 to 900 in my head.

2.NBT.B.9 - I can explain why adding and subtracting strategies work using what I know about place value.

2.MD.A.1 - I can use different tools to measure objects.

2.MD.A.2 - I can use two different units to measure the same object and tell how the measurements compare.

2.MD.A.3 - I can estimate the lengths of objects using inches, feet, centimeters and meters.

2.MD.A.4 - I can tell the difference in the lengths of two different objects.

2.MD.B.5 - I can use addition and subtraction to solve measurement problems.

2.MD.B.6 - I can make and use a number line.

2.MD.C.7 - I can use a.m. and p.m. in the right ways.

2.MD.C.8 - I can count money to help me solve word problems.

2.MD.C.9 - I can make a table to organize information about measurement.

2.MD.C.9 - I can show measurements with a line plot.

2.MD.C.10 - I can draw a picture graph to share number information.

2.MD.C.10 - I can draw a bar graph to share number information.

2.MD.D.10 - I can solve problems using information from a bar graph.

2.G.A.1 - I can name and draw shapes (I know triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and cubes).

2.G.A.2 - I can find the area of a rectangle by breaking it into equal-sized squares.

2.G.A.3 - I can divide shapes into equal parts and describe the parts with words like halves or thirds.

2.G.A.3 - I can understand that equal parts of a shape may look different depending on how I divide the shape.

2.MD.C.7 - I can tell time to five minutes.

2nd Grade Science Checklist

2-PSI-1 - I can talk about and organize different materials using my observations of the materials. I can observe things like color, texture, hardness, and flexibility.

2-PSI-2 - I can test different materials and use my observations to decide which materials are best for a given situation.

2-PSI-3 - I can observe, construct, and write about taking apart one object and making it into a new object.

2-PSI-4 - I can talk about why some changes caused by heating or cooling can be reversed and some cannot. I can support my thoughts with evidence.

2-LS2-1 - I can complete experiments to decide whether or not plants need sunlight and water to grow.

2-LS2-2 - I can create a model that shows how animals are helpful in dispersing seeds or pollinating plants.

2-LS4-1 - I can look at the animals and plants in different habitats to compare diversity.

2-ESS1-1 - I can talk about events on Earth that occur quickly. I can talk about events on Earth that occur slowly.

2-ESS2-1 - I can develop solutions that will slow or prevent wind or water from changing the shape of the land.

2-ESS2-2 - I can create models that look like land and bodies of water in an area.

2-ESS2-3 - I can talk about where water is found on Earth. I can talk about where to find solid and liquid forms of water.

K-2-ETS1-1 - I can find out about simple problems that people that I know want to change and figure out how to solve them. I can talk about how the problem can be fixed. I can talk about the solution that I have created and why it will help to solve the problem.

K-2-ETS1-2 - I can create a drawing that shows how the shape of an object makes it work the way it is supposed to work.

K-2-ETS1-3 - I can compare two objects that were made to solve the same problem and talk about the strengths and weakness of both objects.

2nd Grade Social Studies Checklist

CA.HSS.2.2.4 - I can tell you what map symbols mean.

2.1 - I can tell you if something happened long ago or yesterday.

2.1.1 - I can gather information about my family history by interviewing my family, looking at photographs, looking through family artifacts, and looking at family documents. I can talk about the information that I learned.

2.1.2 - I can compare my life with the lives of my grandparents, parents, or guardians.

2.2 - I can describe the absolute location of places and people. I can describe the relative location of people and places. I can tell you the difference between the two types of locations. I can describe locations.

2.2.1 - I can find specific locations and geographic features in my community on a simple map.

2.2.2 - I can label the following things on a map of North America: the countries, oceans, Great Lakes, major rivers, and mountain ranges from memory. I can identify the following essential map elements: title, legend, directional indicator, scale, and date.

2.2.3 - I can show you where my ancestors lived using a map. I can tell you about how our family ended up living in our community.

2.2.4 - I can tell you about the differences in how land is used in rural, urban, and suburban regions in California. I can tell you about the similarities in how land is used in rural, urban, and suburban regions in California.

2.3 - I can explain government institutions and practices in the United States and in other countries.

2.3.1 - I can explain how laws are made, how laws are carried out, if laws have been broken, and how people are punished if laws are broken in the United States and in other countries.

2.3.2 - I can tell you about some ways that groups and nations work together to fix problems.

2.4 - I can tell you about my role in the economy. I can use basic economic reasoning skills.

2.4.1 - I can talk about where food comes from and how I eat. I can talk about the roles of farmers, processors, distributors, weather, land, and water resources in food production.

2.4.2 - I can tell you the role of a buyer (consumer). I can tell you the role of a seller (producer).

2.4.3 - I can tell you how limited resources affect what is produced and what is consumed.

2.5 - I can tell you how heroes from long ago and the recent past have made a difference in others' lives.