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Kindergarten Math & Counting

K.CC.A.3 - I can write numbers for 0 to 20.

K.CC.A.1a - I can count to 100 by ones.

K.CC.A.1b - I can count to 100 by tens.

K.OA.A.5a - I can fluently add within 5.

K.OA.A.5b - I can fluently subtract within 5.

K.CC.4.c - I can understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.

K.CC.4.b - I can understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.

K.OA.1 - I can represent addition with objects, fingers, mental images.

K.OA.1 - I can represent subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images.

K.CC.4.a - I can count to tell the number of objects.

K.G.2 - I can correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.

K.CC.A.1 - I can count to 100 by ones and tens.

K.CC.A.2 - I can count forward starting at any number I have learned.

K.CC.A.3 - I can write numbers from 0 to 20.

K.CC.A.3 - I can write a number to tell about a group of 0 to 20 things.

K.CC.A.4 - I can understand how number names go with counting things in the right order.

K.CC.A.4.A - I can name the number for each thing in a group as I count them.

K.CC.A.4.B - I can understand that the last thing I count tells the number of things in a group.

K.CC.A.4.B - I can understand that things in a group can be moved around and the total number will be the same.

K.CC.A.4.C - I can understand that the next number I say when I count means that there is one more.

K.CC.A.5 - I can count up to 20 to tell how many things are in a line, a box or a circle.

K.CC.A.5 - I can count up to 10 to tell how many things are in a group.

K.CC.A.5 - I can count out a group of things when someone gives me any number from 1 to 20.

K.CC.A.6 - I can use matching or counting to tell if a group of objects in one group is bigger, smaller or the same as a group of objects in another group.

K.CC.A.7 - I can compare two written numbers between 1 and 10.

K.OA.A.1 - I can use what makes sense to me to show that I know how to add.

K.OA.A.1 - I can use what makes sense to me to show that I know how to subtract.

K.OA.A.2 - I can use objects or drawings to show that I can solve addition word problems up to 10.

K.OA.A.2 - I can use objects or drawings to show that I can solve subtraction word problems up to 10.

K.OA.A.3 - I can take apart any number from 1 to 10 to show that I understand that number (5 = 2 + 3).

K.OA.A.4 - I can take any number from 1 to 9 and show what I need to add to it to make 10.

K.OA.A.5 - I can add numbers within 5.

K.OA.A.5 - I can subtract numbers within 5.

K.NBT.A.1 - I can make and take apart numbers from 11 to 19 by telling how many tens and ones are in the number.

K.NBT.A.1 - I can show how many tens and ones in numbers from 11 to 19 by drawing a picture or writing a number sentence.

K.MD.A.1 - I can show and tell about the parts of a thing that I can measure.

K.MD.A.2 - I can compare two things that are measured using the same tool by using words like longer and shorter.

K.MD.A.3 - I can put things into groups by looking at how they are the same.

K.MD.A.3 - I can count the things that I put into groups and then sort them by how many.

K.G.A.1 - I can name and tell about shapes I see around me.

K.G.A.1 - I can tell where I see shapes by using words like: above, below, beside, in front of, behind and next to.

K.G.A.2 - I can name shapes no matter how big they are or which way they are turned.

K.G.A.3 - I can tell if a shape is two-dimensional (flat) or three-dimensional (solid).

K.G.A.4 - I can think about and compare two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.

K.G.A.5 - I can make shapes by drawing them or by using things like sticks and clay.

K.G.A.6 - I can use simple shapes to make larger shapes.

Kindergarten English Language Arts Checklist

PI.K.6 - I can understand and memorize familiar words when they are supported by gestures or visuals/written language in conversations.

L.K.1.A - I can print lots of upper and lowercase letters.

RL.K.7 - I can use pictures and words to show understanding about the characters, setting and events of a story. With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).

RF.K.3 - I can show what I have learned about letters and sounds by reading words.

RI.K.1 - I can ask and answer questions about important details in nonfiction books.

RI.K.2 - I can tell the main topic and important details in nonfiction books.

RL.K.3 - I can tell the characters, setting and what happens in stories.

L.K.2.A - I can capitalize the word “I”.

L.K.1.E - I can use common prepositions (to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with).

RL.K.9 - I can tell what is the same and different about the actions of characters in stories I know.

RL.K.2 - I can retell a story I know using important details from the story.

L.K.2 - I can show that I know how to write sentences correctly.

RF.K.1 - I can show that I know how books should be read.

RF.K.1.D - I can name all of my upper and lower case letters in the alphabet.

RF.K.2 - I can show that I know how words and their parts go together.

RF.K.2.D - I can find and say the beginning, middle and last sound in simple words.

RL.K.4 - I can ask and answer questions about new words in stories.

RL.K.5 - I can tell the difference between the different kinds of fiction I read.

RL.K.6 - I can tell who the author and illustrator are in stories. I can tell what their jobs are.

RL.K.10 - I can be an important part of fiction reading activities.

RI.K.3 - I can tell how people, events or ideas are connected.

RI.K.4 - I can ask and answer questions about new words in nonfiction books.

RI.K.5 - I can find the front cover, back cover and title page in nonfiction books.

RI.K.6 - I can tell who the author and illustrator are in nonfiction books. I can tell what their jobs are.

SL.K.1 - I can show that I know how to have good conversations with my friends and teachers.

SL.K.3 - I can ask and answer a question about what I have heard.

SL.K.4 - I can use details when I tell about people, places and things.

SL.K.5 - I can use drawings to help add details to what I share.

SL.K.6 - I can speak and share my ideas clearly.

L.K.1 - I can show that I know how to use words correctly when I write and speak.

L.K.1.B - I can use nouns (words that name) and verbs (action words).

L.K.1.C - I can make nouns plural (more than one) by adding "s" or "es" to the end.

L.K.1.D - I can understand and use question words (who, what where, when, why, how).

L.K.1.F - I can create longer complete sentences with help.

L.K.2.A - I can capitalize the first word in a sentence.

L.K.2.A - I can capitalize the word "I".

L.K.2.B - I can find and name punctuation at the end of a sentence.

L.K.2.C - I can write a letter or letters for most consonant sounds.

L.K.2.C - I can write a letter or letters for most short vowel sounds.

L.K.2.D - I can use what I know about letters and sounds to spell easy words.

L.K.4 - I can figure out what words mean by thinking about what I have read.

L.K.4.A - I can find new meanings for words I already know and use them correctly.

L.K.4.B - I can use beginnings and endings of words to help me figure out what they mean (-ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less).

L.K.5 - I can figure out how words are related. I can figure out how their meanings might be alike.

L.K.5.A - I can sort things into groups and use the names of the groups to help me understand them better (shapes, foods).

L.K.5.B - I can match some verbs (action words) and adjectives (describing words) with their opposites.

L.K.5.C - I can tell how words are used in real-life (I can talk about animals that are colorful).

L.K.5.D - I can tell the difference between verbs (action words) that are almost alike (walk, march, strut, prance).

L.K.6 - I can use the new words I learn in different ways to show that I know what they mean.

Kindergarten Science Checklist

K-PS2-1 - I can compare how pushing and pulling on an object makes it move. I can talk about how moving the object in different directions changes the way that it moves. I can talk about how pushing or pulling an object softer or harder changes the way that it moves.

K-PS2-2 - I can show different ways to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or pull. I can tell you if what I did to make the object move worked correctly or not.

K-PS3-1 - I can compare the differences between soil, sand, rocks, and water that have been in the sunlight, and soil, sand, rocks, and water that have not been in the sunlight. I can talk about the comparisons that I have made.

K-PS3-2 - I can create structures that will shield areas from the warmth of the sun. I can talk about why I think they will work.

K-LS1-1 - I can compare the similar things that plants need to survive. I can compare similar things that animals need to survive. I can talk about what plants and animals need to survive.

K-ESS2-1 - I can observe the weather and tell you if it is sunny, cloudy, rainy, warm, or cold. I can keep track of how the weather changes at different times of the day. I can keep track of how the weather changes during the month. I can talk about what I have observed.

K-ESS2-2 - I can observe how plants and animals can change their environments to meet their needs. I can form ideas about how plants and animals can change their environments to meet their needs. I can give reasons for my ideas.

K-ESS3-1 - I can show how the needs of different plants and animals change where they can live.

K-ESS3-2 - I can ask questions to learn more about the weather. I can tell why knowing about the weather is important. I can give examples of how to prepare for and respond to bad weather where I live.

K-ESS3-3 - I can talk about ways that humans can change the way that they live so that they do not hurt the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the world.

K-2-ETS1-1 - I can find out about simple problems that people that I know want to change and figure out how to solve them. I can talk about how the problem can be fixed. I can talk about the solution that I have created and why it will help to solve the problem.

K-2-ETS1-2 - I can create a drawing that shows how the shape of an object makes it work the way it is supposed to work.

K-2-ETS1-3 - I can compare two objects that were made to solve the same problem and talk about the strengths and weakness of both objects.

Kindergarten Social Studies Checklist

K.4.1 - I can look at two objects and tell about the location of each one using the words near/far, left/right, and behind/in front.

K.5 - I can put the days of the week in the correct order.

K.6 - I can tell you what "history" means.

K.4.2 - I can find land on a map or globe.

K.4.2 - I can find places on maps.

K.4.3 - I can tell you what traffic symbols mean.

K.4.2 - I can find water on a map or globe.

HSS-K.6 - I can tell if something happened long ago or yesterday.

K.6.1 - I can tell you why we celebrate different holidays that happen throughout the year.

K.1 - I can show that being a good citizen means acting in certain ways.

K.1.1 - I can follow the rules and I know what happens if I break the rules.

K.1.2 - I can give you examples of people that were honest, courageous, determined, responsible, and patriotic from historical people that I have learned about in class.

K.1.3 - I can tell you about the beliefs of some people in the past. I can give examples of what happened because of the actions of those people.

K.2 - I can tell you about national and state symbols and icons.

K.3 - I can tell you about different types of jobs in my school, in my community, and in the past.

K.4 - I can tell you about things that are similar and different when talking about the locations of people, places, and environments.

K.4.1 - I can look at two objects and tell you about the location of each one using the words near/far, left/right, and behind/in front.

K.4.2 - I can find land on a map or globe. I can find water on a map or globe. I can find places on maps.

K.4.3 - I can tell you what traffic symbols mean. I can tell you what map symbols mean.

K.4.4 - I can make a map of my community that shows the locations of important places.

K.4.5 - I can show you where things are located in my community. I can tell you about the jobs done by people that work in my community.

K.5 - I can put events in order using a calendar. I can put the days of the week in the correct order. I can put the months of the year in the correct order.

K.6.2 - I can tell you why important people in American history are so important.

K.6.3 - I can talk about the similarities and differences between the people that live in the past and the way that I live today.