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1st Grade I Can Statements

1st Grade English/Language Arts Checklist

RL.1.2 - I can retell a story I know using important details from a story.

RF.1.1 - I can show that I know how books can be read.

L.1.1.D - I can use pronouns (I, me, my, they, them, their, anyone, everything, it).

RL.1.3 - I can retell a story (fiction). I can tell what the characters, setting are and what happens in a story.

RL.1.6 - I can show the characters in a story by telling about them or by using different character voices when I read aloud.

RF.1.4.C - I can use what is understood from reading to help figure out or correct words I am having any trouble with. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

RL.1.1 - I can ask and answer questions to show understanding of the stories read.

W.1.6 - I can use a computer or tablet to publish my writing.

RL.1.7 - I can use words and pictures to help me understand nonfiction.

RF.1.1.A - I can find and point to the first word, the beginning capital letter and the ending mark in a sentence.

RF.1.2.A - I can tell the difference between short and long vowel sounds when I hear a word.

RF.1.3.A - I can hear and spell consonant letters that are blended together to make words.

RF.1.3.E - I can read words with two syllables.

RF.1.3.G - I can read first grade words that aren't spelled the way they sound.

RF.1.4 - I can read and understand books at my level well.

RF.1.4.A - I can read and understand first grade books.

RL.1.9 - I can compare what happens to characters in stories.

RL.1.10 - I can read and understand first grade stories and poems.

RI.1.3 - I can tell how people, events or ideas are connected in nonfiction books.

RI.1.4 - I can ask and answer questions to help me understand new words.

RI.1.5 - I can understand and use all the helpful parts of nonfiction books to help me find important facts and details.

RI.1.6 - I can find some information from pictures and some information from the words in nonfiction books.

RI.1.7 - I can use the pictures and words in nonfiction books to help me tell about the main ideas.

RI.1.10 - I can read and understand first grade nonfiction books.

W.1.1 - I can write my opinion about a topic and give reasons for my thinking.

W.1.2 - I can write to teach about a topic by giving facts about it.

W.1.3 - I can write to tell an organized story with details.

W.1.5 - I can listen to others' ideas to help add details to my stories.

W.1.7 - I can help explore books and write about what we learned.

W.1.8 - I can use what I have learned to answer questions or I can find out the answers somewhere else.

SL.1.2 - I can ask and answer questions about things I hear and see.

SL.1.3 - I can ask and answer questions about what a speaker says to help me understand the person better.

SL.1.4 - I can use details when I tell about people, places and things to help others understand them better.

SL.1.6 - I can speak and share my ideas in complete sentences when I need to.

L.1.1.A - I can print all of the upper and lowercase letters.

L.1.1.B - I can use common, proper and possessive nouns.

L1.1.C - I can use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in my sentences.

L.1.1.D - I can use pronouns (I, me, my, they, them, their, anyone, everything.)

L.1.1.F - I can use adjectives.

L.1.2.A - I can use capital letters in dates and also when I write people's names.

L.1.2.B - I can use the right punctuation at the ends of my sentences.

L.1.2.C - I can use commas when I write the date or when I make a list of things in a sentence.

L.1.4 - I can figure out what words mean by using the strategies I know and thinking about what I have read.

L.1.4.A - I can use the whole sentence to help me figure out what other words in the sentence mean.

L.1.5.A - I can sort things into groups and use the names of the groups to help me understand them better (colors, clothing.)

L.1.5.B - I can explain a word by telling how it belongs in a group.

L.1.5.C - I can tell how words are used in real-life (places in my house that are cozy).

L.1.5.D - I can tell or show the difference between verbs (action words) that are almost alike (look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl.)

L.1.4.b - I can use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.

1st Grade Math Checklist

1.NBT.A.1 - I can count to 120.

1.MD.A.1 - I can put three objects in order from longest to shortest and compare their lengths.

1.OA.A.1 - I can use different strategies for addition to solve word problems (within 20).

1.OA.A.1 - I can use different strategies for subtraction to solve word problems (within 20).

1.OA.A.2 - I can use solve word problems where I have to add 3 whole numbers.

1.OA.B.3 - I can use fact families to help me solve addition problems (commutative).

1.OA.B.3 - I can use addition facts I know well to help me solve problems where there are more than two numbers (associative).

1.OA.B.4 - I can use what I know about addition facts to help me answer subtraction fact problems.

1.OA.C.5 - I can understand how counting up is like adding and counting down is like subtracting.

1.OA.A.6 - I can add facts within 20.

1.OA.C.6 - I can subtract facts within 20.

1.OA.D.7 - I can tell if addition or subtraction number sentences are true because I understand what an equal sign means.

1.OA.D.8 - I can figure out what a missing number is in an addition or subtraction problem.

1.NBT.A.1 - I can count up to 120 starting at any number under 120.

1.NBT.A.1 - I can read and write my numbers to show how many objects are in a group (up to 120).

1.NBT.B.2 - I can tell how many tens and how many ones are in a number.

1.NBT.B.2.A - I can show that I know what a "ten" is.

1.NBT.B.2.B - I can show that any number between 11 and 19 is a group of "ten" and a certain number of ones.

1.NBT.B.2.C - I can show that I understand the numbers I use when I count by tens, have a certain number of tens and 0 ones.

1.NBT.B.3 - I can compare two-digit numbers using <, =, and > because I understand tens and ones.

1.NBT.C.4 - I can use math strategies to help me solve and explain addition problems within 100.

1.NBT.C.4 - I can use objects and pictures to help me solve and explain addition problems within 100.

1.NBT.C.4 - I can understand that adding two-digit numbers means I add the ones and then the tens.

1.NBT.C.4 - I can understand that when I add two-digit numbers, sometimes I have to make a group of ten from the ones (regroup).

1.NBT.C.5 - I can find 10 more or 10 less in my head.

1.NBT.C.6 - I can use different strategies to subtract multiples of 10 (10-90) from numbers under 100, write the matching number sentence and explain my strategy.

1.MD.A.2 - I can tell the length of an object using whole numbers.

1.MD.A.2 - I can show that I understand how to measure something by using a smaller object as a measurement tool.

1.MD.B.3 - I can tell and write time in hours and half-hours using any kind of clock.

1.MD.C.4 - I can organize, show and explain number information in a way that makes sense.

1.MD.C.4 - I can ask and answer questions about number information that is organized.

1.G.A.1 - I can understand and tell about the parts that make different shapes unique.

1.G.A.1 - I can build and draw shapes that have certain parts.

1.G.A.2 - I can create two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles and quarter-circles).

1.G.A.2 - I can create three-dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones and right circular cylinders).

1.G.A.2 - I can use two- and three-dimensional shapes to create new shapes.

1.G.A.3 - I can understand that "halves" means two equal parts and "fourths" or "quarters" means four equal parts.

1st Grade Science Checklist

1-ESS1-2 - I can keep track of the amount of daylight at different times of the year.

1-PS4-1 - I can show you that vibrating materials can make sound. I can show you that sound can make materials vibrate.

1-PS4-2 - I can give examples that prove that objects can only be seen in the light or when an area is viewed with a light source.

1-PS4-3 - I can show you what happens when you put different kinds of materials in the path of a beam of light. I can explain the difference between what happens with the different kinds of materials.

1-PS4-4 - I can use light to communicate with people over a distance. I can use sound to communicate with people over a distance. I can explain how I used light or sound to communicate over a distance.

1-LS1-1 - I can create a solution for a human problem by using what I know about how plants and animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.

1-LS1-2 - I can tell you things that are similar and things that are different about the ways that parents help their babies survive.

1-LS3-1 - I can tell you how young plants and animals are the same as their parents. I can tell you how young plants and animals are different from their parents.

1-ESS1-1 - I can use what I know about the sun, moon, and stars to find patterns that can be predicted.

K-2-ETS1-1 - I can find out about simple problems that people that I know want to change and figure out how to solve them. I can talk about how the problem can be fixed. I can talk about the solution that I have created and why it will help to solve the problem.

K-2-ETS1-2 - I can create a drawing that shows how the shape of an object makes it work the way it is supposed to work.

K-2-ETS1-3 - I can compare two objects that were made to solve the same problem and talk about the strengths and weakness of both objects.

1st Grade Social Studies Checklist

HSS-1.2.4 - I can tell about how location, weather, and environment change the clothing that people wear.

HSS-1.4.2 - I can tell about the types of transportation that are in the community the student lives in.

1.1 - I can tell you about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

1.1.1 - I can tell you about the rule-making process in a direct democracy where everyone votes on the rules. I can tell you about the rule-making process in a representative democracy where the people that are elected make the rules. I can give examples of both types of rule-making in my world.

1.1.2 - I can describe the "Golden Rule." I can show that I know what it means to play fair and to have good sportsmanship. I can show that I know how to respect the opinions of my peers.

1.2 - I can describe the absolute location of places and people. I can describe the relative location of people and places. I can tell you the difference between the two types of locations. I can describe locations.

1.2.1 - I can tell you where my community, California, the United States, the seven continents, and the four oceans are using a map or globe.

1.2.2 - I can tell you about the information that I can get from a 3-D model of a location. I can tell you about the information that I can get from a picture of a location. I can tell you what is similar about the two sets of information. I can tell you what is different about the two sets of information.

1.2.3 - I can make a map using directions and map symbols.

1.2.4 - I can tell you about how location, weather, and environment change the food that people eat, the clothing that people wear, the homes that people live in, the types of transportation that people use, and the games that people play for fun.

1.3 - I can tell you about the symbols, icons, and traditions of the United States. I can tell you why they are important.

1.3.2 - I can tell you about some of our national holidays. I can tell you why those holidays are important.

1.3.3 - I can tell you about American symbols, landmarks, and documents that are important. I can tell you why they are important.

1.4 - I can tell you about things that were similar and different about life in different places in the past. I can tell you about things that have changed and things that have stayed the same.

1.4.1 - I can tell you about things that were similar and different in schools in the past. I can tell you about things that were similar and different in communities in the past.

1.4.2 - I can tell you about different forms of transportation in the past.

1.4.3 - I can tell you about things that were similar and different about the jobs that people had, the clothes that people wore, manners, the stories that people told, the games that people played, and the festivals that people went to in the past.

1.5 - I can tell you about the language, types of buildings, types of transportation, and types of food that are in my community. I can tell you about the different kinds of backgrounds of American citizens in my community.

1.5.1 - I can tell you about things that people in my community all share. I can tell you about things that the people in my community have in common. I can tell you about things that are different about the people in my community. I can tell you why it is good to have different kinds of people in your community. I can tell you why it is hard to have different kinds of people in your community.

1.5.2 - I can give examples of how American Indians and immigrants have helped to create the culture of California. I can give examples of how American Indians and immigrants have helped to create the culture of America.

1.5.3 - I can tell you about similarities and differences in beliefs, customs, ceremonies, traditions, and social practices of different cultures.

1.6 - I can give examples of supply and demand. I can give examples of goods and services. I can give examples of wants and needs.

1.6.1 - I can tell you how we use money to purchase goods and services.

1.6.2 - I can tell you about different jobs that people do to make goods, transport goods, and market goods. I can tell you why it is important for some people to work in the home.

1st Grade Art Checklist

I can able to draw a nature scene.

I can draw a picture of where I live.

I can draw a picture of a nightscape.

I can draw pictures of pets I would like to have.

I can draw pictures of wild animals.

I can draw pictures of animals in their habitat.

I can draw a picture of a location.

I can draw a picture of a map.

I can draw a picture of something that I like to do.

I can draw pictures from a scene from a book the student has read.

I can draw a picture step by step.

I can draw a picture by following close directions.

I can draw a picture of two different types of birds.

I can draw a picture of two different types of cats.

I can draw a picture of a made up animal.

I can draw a picture of a baby version of an animal.

I can draw a picture of different paw prints of different animals.

I can draw a picture of the American flag.

I can design my own flag.

I can draw a self portrait.

I can draw a picture of animals in water.

I can draw a symbol of the United States.

I can make a shark with shapes.

I can draw to play a drum.

I can draw the piano keys.

1st Grade Music Checklist

I can clap count to addition math problems.

I can clap count to every syllable in a word.

I can sing a song about America.

I can sing a song about America.

I can sing a song about America.

I can learn about the history of an old American song.

I can learn about the history of an old American song.

I can learn a song from another country.

I can learn a song from another country that sounds like a song from America.

I can sing a song about the ocean.

I can sing a song about my neighborhood.

I can sing a song about plants.

I can sing a song about change.

I can do finger drumming.

I can make music like the wind.

I can make sounds that animals make.

I can draw and play a drum.

I can draw the piano keys.