5th Grade English Language Arts Checklist
RF.5.4.A - I can read and understand fifth grade texts.
RF.5.4.B - I can read fifth grade books and poems aloud accurately, at the right speed and with expression.
RF.5.4.C - I can use context clues to help me figure out or correct words I am having trouble with.
RL.5.1 - I can accurately quote from a fiction text when I am explaining what it says.
RL.5.1 - I can accurately quote from a fiction text to support inferences that I have made.
RL.5.2 - I can determine the theme of a fiction text by thinking about the details in the text.
RL.5.2 - I can explain how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic when discussing the theme of the poem.
RL.5.3 - I can compare and contrast characters, setting or events using details in the text to support my comparison.
RL.5.4 - I can determine the meanings of words and phrases an author uses.
RL.5.4 - I can understand the meaning of figurative language in a fiction text.
RL.5.4 - I can understand similes and metaphors in fiction texts.
RL.5.5 - I can explain how chapters, scenes or stanzas fit together to give structure to stories, plays and poems.
RL.5.6 - I can describe how a narrator's or speaker's point of view influences a fiction text.
RL.5.7 - I can explain how visuals contribute to a story.
RL.5.9 - I can compare and contrast similar themes or topics in stories from the same fiction genre.
RL.5.10 - I can read and understand fifth grade stories, plays and poems independently
RI.5.1 - I can accurately quote from informational text when I am explaining what it says.
RI.5.1 - I can accurately quote from informational text to support inferences that I have made.
RI.5.2 - I can determine two or more main ideas in informational texts.
RI.5.2 - I can explain how the main ideas in informational texts are supported by the details in the text.
RI.5.2 - I can summarize informational texts I have read.
RI.5.3 - I can explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals in historical texts using specific information from the text.
RI.5.3 - I can explain the relationships between two or more events in historical texts using specific information from the text.
RI.5.3 - I can explain the relationships between two or more ideas or concepts in scientific texts using specific information that was given in the text.
RI.5.3 - I can explain the relationship between two or more ideas or concepts in technical texts using specific information that was given in the text.
RI.5.4 - I can determine the meanings of words and phrases in science and social studies texts.
RI.5.5 - I can compare and contrast the organization (e.g., time order, comparison, cause & effect or problem & solution) of events, ideas, concepts or information in two or more informational texts.
RI.5.6 - I can analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic by discussing similarities and differences in their points of view.
RI.5.7 - I can use different types of informational texts to locate an answer or to solve a problem.
RI.5.8 - I can explain how an author uses specific reasons and evidence to support particular points in informational texts.
RI.5.9 - I can use information from several different informational texts on the same topic to help me write or speak with knowledge about the topic.
RI.5.10 - I can read and understand 5th grade informational texts independently.
W.5.1 - I can write to share my opinion on topics or texts and provide reasons and information to support that opinion.
W.5.4 - I can produce clear writing with appropriate development and organization to suit my task, purpose and audience.
W.5.5 - I can plan, revise, edit, rewrite or try a new approach in my writing with the help of peers and adults.
W.5.7 - I can conduct short research projects to help me learn about topics through investigation.
W.5.8 - I can recall what I have learned or find new information from books or technology to help me with my research.
W.5.9 - I can gather evidence from fiction or informational text to support my investigation, thinking and research.
W.5.10 - I can write with stamina for short time frames or over a longer period of time depending on my purpose, audience and topic.
SL.5.1 - I can effectively participate in different types of discussions and with different people about 5th grade topics and texts.
SL.5.2 - I can summarize text that is read aloud or information that is presented to me.
SL.5.3 - I can summarize the points a speaker makes and explain the speaker's reasons and evidence for those points.
SL.5.4 - I can report on a topic or present my opinion logically using appropriate facts and details to support my main idea.
SL.5.4 - I can speak clearly and at an appropriate pace when I give a report or share my opinion.
SL.5.5 - I can include multimedia (e.g., graphics or sound) and other displays to help me show main ideas or themes in my presentations.
SL.5.6 - I can change the way I am speaking (informal or formal) depending on the task and situation.
L.5.4 - I can determine the meanings of words by using the strategies I have learned and by thinking about what I have read.
L.5.5 - I can show that I understand the deeper meanings of words and phrases.
L.5.6 - I can learn and use new vocabulary appropriate for 5th grade.
L.5.3 - I can write, speak, read and listen by using my knowledge of the English language.
L.5.1 - I can show that I understand standard English in my speech and in my writing.
L.5.2 - I can show that I know how to write sentences accurately.
5th Grade Math
5.NF.A.1 - I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
5.NBT.A.2 - I can use whole-number exponents to show powers of 10.
5.OA.A.1 - I can write and figure out number sentences that have parentheses, brackets and/or braces.
5.OA.A.2 - I can correctly write number sentences using mathematic symbols and the order of operations correctly.
5.OA.A.2 - I can understand number sentences and estimate their answers without actually calculating them.
5.OA.B.3 - I can create two number patterns using two given rules.
5.OA.B.3 - I can identify relationships between two number patterns.
5.OA.B.3 - I can form ordered pairs using the relationship between two number patterns and graph them on a coordinate plane.
5.NBT.A.1 - I can understand and explain the value of digits in a larger number.
5.NBT.A.2 - I can explain patterns pf decimal placement when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10.
5.NBT.A.3 - I can read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
5.NBT.A.3.A - I can read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numbers, number names and expanded form.
5.NBT.A.4 - I can use place value understanding to round decimals to any place.
5.NBT.B.5 - I can easily multiply larger whole numbers.
5.NBT.B.6 - I can divide four-digit numbers (dividends) by two-digit numbers (divisors).
5.NBT.B.6 - I can illustrate and explain a division problem using equations, arrays and/or models.
5.NBT.B.7 - I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths using what I have learned about place value.
5.NBT.B.7 - I can relate the strategies I use to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to hundredths to a written problem and explain why I chose the strategies to help me solve the problem.
5.NF.A.2 - I can solve word problems that involve addition and subtraction of fractions.
5.NF.A.2 - I can use number sense and fractions that I know to estimate the reasonableness of answers to fraction problems.
5.NF.B.3 - I can understand that fractions are really division problems.
5.NF.B.3 - I can solve word problems where I need to divide whole numbers leading to answers that are fractions or mixed numbers.
5.NF.B.4 - I can use what I know about multiplication to multiply fractions or whole numbers by a fraction.
5.NF.B.4.A - I can understand and show with models that multiplying a fraction by a whole number is the same as finding the product of the numerator and whole number and then dividing it by the denominator.
5.NF.B.4.B - I can use unit squares to find the area of a rectangle with fractional side lengths and prove that it is the same as multiplying the side lengths (A = l x w).
5.NF.B.5 - I can think of multiplication as the scaling of a number (similar to a scale on a map).
5.NF.B.5.A - I can mentally compare the size of a product to the size of one of the factors by thinking about the other factor in the problem.
5.NF.B.5.B - I can explain why multiplying a number by a fraction greater than 1 will result in a bigger number than the number I started with.
5.NF.B.5.B - I can explain why multiplying a number by a fraction less than 1 will result in a smaller number than the number I started with.
5.NF.B.5.B - I can relate the notion of equivalent fractions to the effect of multiplying a fraction by 1.
5.NF.B.6 - I can solve real-world problems that involve multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers.
5.NF.B.7 - I can use what I know about division to divide fractions by whole numbers or whole numbers by fractions.
5.NF.B.7.B - I can divide a whole number by a fraction correctly.
5.NF.B.7.C - I can use what I know about division problems involving fractions to solve real-world problems.
5.MD.A.1 - I can convert different-sized measurements within the same measurement system.
5.MD.A.1 - I can use measurement conversions to solve real-world problems.
5.MD.B.2 - I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions to solve problems involving information presented on a line plot.
5.MD.C.3 - I can recognize volume as a characteristic of solid figures and understand how it can be measured.
5.MD.C.3.B - I can understand that a solid figure filled with a number of unit cubes is said to have a volume of that many cubes.
5.MD.C.4 - I can measure volume by counting unit cubes.
5.MD.C.5 - I can solve real-world problems involving volume by thinking about multiplication of addition.
5.MD.C.5.A - I can use unit cubes to find the volume of a right rectangular prism with whole-number side lengths and prove that it is the same as multiplying the edge lengths (V = l x w x h).
5.MD.C.5.B - I can solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of an object using the formulas V = l x w x h and V = b x h.
5.MD.C.5.B - I can find the volumes of solid figures made up of two right rectangular prisms by adding the volumes of both.
5.MD.C.5.C - I can solve real-world problems using what I know about adding the volumes of two right rectangular prisms.
5.G.A.1 - I can understand a coordinate plane and ordered pairs of number coordinates on that plane.
5.G.A.1 - I can graph ordered pairs of numbers on a coordinate plane using what I have learned about the x-axis and coordinate and the y-axis and coordinate.
5.G.A.2 - I can represent real-world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane.
5.G.A.2 - I can understand coordinate values in the context of a real-world or mathematical problem.
5.G.B.3 - I can understand how attributes of 2-dimensional shapes in a category also belong to all subcategories of those shapes.
5.G.B.4 - I can classify 2-dimensional shapes based on their properties.
5th Grade Science Checklist
5-LS1-1 - I can talk about how plants get most of what they need to grow from air and water.
5-LS2-1 - I can create a model that shows how matter moves among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.
5-ESS1-1 - I can talk about how the apparent brightness of the sun and stars is a result of their relative distances from Earth.
5-ESS1-2 - I can use data to show patterns in daily changes of shadows, day and night, and stars in the night sky.
5-ESS2-1 - I can create a model that shows the relationships between the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
5-ESS2-2 - I can use data to find the amounts of water and fresh water in various reservoirs. I can use what I know about water in reservoirs as evidence for the distribution of water on Earth.
5-ESS3-1 - I can talk about ways that communities use science ideas to protect the Earth's resources and environment.
5-PS1-1 - I can create a model that shows that matter is made of particles too small to be seen.
5-PS1-3 - I can identify materials based on their properties.
5-PS1-4 - I can conduct experiments to find out if mixing two or more substances makes new substances.
5-PS2-1 - I can give evidence that the gravitational force exerted by Earth on objects is directed down.
5-PS3-1 - I can explain that energy in food was once energy from the sun.
3-5-ETS1-1 - I can find a design that needs to be fixed. I can define what a successful design would involve. I can plan the amount of materials, time, or money that it would take to complete the fix.
3-5-ETS1-2 - I can evaluate possible solutions to a problem when presented with more than one solution. I can discuss which solution would work best and tell you why.
3-5-ETS1-3 - I can test a model or prototype so that I can figure out what improvements are needed.
5th Grade Social Studies Checklist
5.1 - I can describe the major pre-Columbian settlements, including the cliff dwellers and pueblo people, the American Indians, the nomadic nations, and the wood-land peoples.
5.1.1 - I can talk about how geography and climate helped various nations to decide on locations of villages, the kinds of homes that they built, and how they found food, made clothes, and created tools.
5.1.2 - I can describe the customs and traditions of some of the major pre-Columbian settlements.
5.1.3 - I can describe how some of the major pre-Columbian settlements set up systems for exchange of goods and services. I can describe the systems of government in some of the major pre-Columbian settlements.
5.2 - I can talk about the routes of early explorers and the purpose of the explorations in the Americas.
5.2.1 - I can talk about the traits of early explorers that made them entrepreneurs. I can describe some of the new technologies that made sea exploration by latitude and longitude possible.
5.2.2 - I can tell you about the goals, difficulties, and accomplishments of the explorers during their journeys. I can talk about the roles of sponsors and European leaders in the expeditions. I can give some reasons why European leaders wanted to explore and colonize new territories.
5.2.4 - I can show which lands were claimed in the Americas by Spain, France, England, Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Russia.
5.3 - I can describe good and bad relationships among different American Indian nations. I can describe good and bad relationships between Indian Nations and the new settlers.
5.3.1 - I can talk about the fight for control of territories in North America among the English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Indian nations.
5.3.2 - I can give examples of cooperation between colonists and Indians during the 1600s and 1700s.
5.3.3 - I can discuss major conflicts that occurred before the Revolutionary War.
5.3.4 - I can talk about the factors that led to the colonists' defeat of the Indian nations. I can give examples of resistance to encroachments and assimilation by Indian nations.
5.3.5 - I can describe some of the conflicts over territory between Indian nations.
5.3.6 - I can give examples of achievements that were made by important leaders in the colonies.
5.4 - I can talk about major political, religious, social, and economic institutions that evolved during the colonial era.
5.4.1 - I can give examples of how location influenced the founding of the original 13 colonies. I can show where the 13 colonies were located using a map. I can use a map to show the locations of American Indian nations that were already living in the areas that were colonized.
5.4.2 - I can talk about the groups that founded the various colonies. I can discuss some of the reasons that the groups had for founding the colonies.
5.4.3 - I can talk about the role of religion in the founding of the early colonies.
5.4.4 - I can describe the First Great Awakening. I can talk about some of the leaders of the movement. I can talk about the shifts in religious ideas, practices, and allegiances that took place during the time.
5.4.5 - I can provide reasons that the British colonial period led to development of self-government and a free-market economy. I can discuss differences in the British, French, and Spanish colonial systems.
5.4.6 - I can describe how slavery was introduced into America. I can give examples of struggles of slave families. I can discuss the struggle between people that agreed with slavery and people that wanted slavery to end.
5.4.7 - I can discuss how early democratic ideas and practices emerged during the colonial period.
5.5 - I can explain the cause of the American Revolution.
5.5.1 - I can discuss how politics, religion, and the economy all contributed to the Revolution.
5.5.2 - I can talk about why the first Continental Congress, the second Continental Congress, and the Committee of Correspondence were important.
5.5.3 - I can talk about how the Declaration of Independence was drafted. I can tell you about the important people associated with the Declaration of Independence. I can tell you why the Declaration of Independence is so significant to our country.
5.5.4 - I can talk about the views, lives, and impact of important people during the American Revolution.
5.6 - I can talk about the major events and consequences of the American Revolution.
5.6.1 - I can describe major military battles during the Revolutionary War. I can talk about the roles of American and British leaders during the Revolutionary War. I can discuss Indian alliances during the Revolutionary War.
5.6.2 - I can discuss how nations and individuals contributed to the outcome of the Revolutionary War.
5.6.3 - I can talk about the role of women during the Revolutionary War.
5.6.4 - I can give examples of the hardships that families living in the colonies had to face as result of the Revolutionary War.
5.6.5 - I can give examples of how state constitutions that were established after 1776 served as a model for the U.S. Constitution.
5.6.6 - I can talk about why the land policies developed by the Continental Congress were important.
5.6.7 - I can give examples of how the Declaration of Independence caused some people to look at slavery differently.
5.7 - I can describe people that were significant in the development of the U.S. Constitution. I can discuss the importance of the Constitution as the foundation of the American Republic.
5.7.1 - I can give examples of the failings of the Articles of Confederation.
5.7.2 - I can talk about the significance of the new Constitution of 1787. I can discuss reasons for the addition of the Bill of Rights.
5.7.3 - I can describe the fundamental principles of American constitutional democracy.
5.7.4 - I can describe how the Constitution is designed to secure our liberty through the establishment of the three branches of government.
5.7.5 - I can talk about the meaning behind calling on citizens to safeguard the liberty of Americans within a unified nation, respecting the rule of law, and preserving the Constitution.
5.7.6 - I can recite songs that express American ideals.
5.8 - I can discuss patterns of colonization, immigration, and settlement of the American people from 1789 to the mid-1800s.
5.8.2 - I can name the states and territories that existed in 1850. I can tell you where they were located on a map.
5.8.3 - I can talk about explorations of the trans-Mississippi West after the Louisiana Purchase.
5.8.4 - I can tell you about the lives of settlers on the overland trails to the West.
5.8.5 - I can tell you about the migration of Mexican settlers into Mexican territories of the West and Southwest.
5.8.6 - I can tell you some similarities between the statehoods of California, Texas, Oregon and other western lands. I can tell you why the Texas War for Independence was important for the growth of the United States. I can tell you why the Mexican- American War was important for the growth of the United States.
5.9 - I can locate the fifty states on a map. I can tell you the capitals of the fifty states.
5.8.1 - I can talk about the groups of people that immigrated to the United States from Europe between 1789 and 1850. I can talk about the different types of transportation that they used to travel to the Ohio Valley, the Mississippi Valleys, and the Cumberland Gap.
5.2.3 - I can trace the major routes of the land explorers of the United States. I can trace the major Atlantic trade routes.